What Does It Mean to Suffer from Anxiety & OCD

What Is Anxiety?

Everything is fine, but then you feel a tingling sensation running up your spine or a flutter in your chest. Just when you think you’ve got your mind under control, a seemingly random and intrusive thought comes your way, sending you spiraling back down into compulsions. You may have a ritual that you don’t understand but can never seem to shake. It can be a constant feeling that something bad is always around the corner, or a spontaneous and unprovoked panic attack forcing you to leave early from work once or twice a month. These episodes will typically comes with physical symptoms, such as sweaty palms, shallow breathing, and an increased heart rate. It can feel overwhelming and take a serious toll on your daily life.

What It Means to Suffer from OCD and Other Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety can rear its head in many forms, such as OCD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobias, and Panic Disorder. From unwelcome and intrusive thoughts or sensations to entire self-destructive thought processes and patterns of behavior, these are issues that can envelop entire years of our lives when left unchecked. All too often, people choose to live with these symptoms. Whether out of shame or misunderstanding, many suffering from anxiety disorders choose to suppress their symptoms in hopes that one day they will simply vanish on their own volition. Sometimes, a person may be living with these symptoms simply because they aren’t aware that there is an alternative.

The Difference Between “Anxiousness” and “Over-Anxiousness”

It’s important to understand that being anxious is a natural part of life. Anxiousness and nervousness are forces that allows us to be alert and focused as we go about our daily lives. However, over-anxiousness is a force that can do the exact opposite. For those who are suffering from anxiety, the problem is that it’s either excessive or occurring at inappropriate times. Over-anxiousness can also interfere will your ability to complete daily tasks or affect your relationships with other people.

Understanding Exposure Response Prevention (ERP)

Even if it may not appear so, there are generally triggers. The root of these triggers is sometimes called your “core fear”. Therapy can help you find these triggers and change the way that your body and mind responds to them. This type of therapy is called Exposure and Response Prevention, or ERP. Due to its effectiveness when treating those with OCD and other anxiety disorders, it has come to be known as the gold standard in the field.

Those Who Suffer from Anxiety Are Not Alone

If you suffer from anxiety, you are not alone. Not only do many other individuals suffer alongside you, but many are trained to help. If you are among the nearly 1/3 of adults who have suffered from unwanted anxiety in their lifetime, ERP may be the answer. ERP can help you find your core fear and change your responses to the triggers that cause your anxiety. By utilizing exposure and response prevention to get to the core of your obsessions and compulsions, you can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Contact Us Today

By contacting my private practice today, you'll be reaching out to someone that understands what it’s like to suffer from anxiety. With specialty training in ERP, I can help you find the root cause of the specific issues that you are dealing with. Through gradual exposure, we can work to identify your triggers and overcome the responses that inhibit you from being who you truly want to be.

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